Who, Exactly, Is Doing The Creating?
Character StudioArticle06 Oct, 2023
Last edited: 29 Mar, 2024, 9:38 PM

Who, Exactly, Is Doing The Creating?

Liora discusses the source of human creating and creativity. Who is it that creates? Humans or something bigger that is in us.

Humans have created so much beauty in the world.

But, who is doing the creating?

Special people like artists, writers, engineers, scientists, etc.?


And, no.

Yes, because it is a human or group of humans that bring something into the world.

No, because, at the deeper level of our being, the inspired thought moves through the human.

Do you ever wonder why a thought, insight or idea pops into your head?

Of course, you do, so do I.

Sometimes and for some humans, those things that pop into our heads lead them to bring something into the world.

But, does this mean that they, the human, are the source of the inspiration?

Or, is the human the conduit for the source of inspiration to be brought to life?

Bringing things into our world is very human thing to do and this runs through everyone because, at our deepest level, we are connected to something much, much bigger than us.

We are connected to each other and every other human that has ever existed.

We are also, each one of us, each one that has ever existed, completely unique.

Inspiration runs through us in its own way.

Most of us, pay no attention to this inspiration.

We don’t see it as our thing to follow this inspiration.

I find this incredibly sad.

I think this is because people have been conditioned to believe that only special people and special inspirations are how things come into the world.

This is a false narrative.

Truth is, we are all meant to create and follow our inspiration no matter what that is.

Most of the time it is just being kind, helpful and compassionate.

Sometimes it’s more like bring a physical thing into the world.

I hope people will listen to that inner voice and follow it where ever it leads.


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