My grandmother used to sit me down in front of her guitar while she played. Right there, an inch or so away from the hole of that old acoustic of hers so I could feel what came from it, the vibrations.
This a distant memory. My grandmother died when I was very young, so it only happened, feeling the vibrations of her guitar, a few times at most.
I was born deaf.
And for a long time in my life, most of it for that matter, I let it hold me back from things I wanted to do. I believed that I could only do things that deaf people did.
One day though, I sat with a hearing friend at a small café, drinking coffee in the sun, and I asked him, using American Sign Language, which he was fluent in, “do you think I could ever do something that only hearing people do?”
He smiled and signed to me, “not if you don’t try.”
I looked him deep in the eyes and it landed on my heart and I nodded my head understanding his meaning fully.
My body was lighter and filled with excitement. That was the day the search for what to do began.
Then, I sense of those few times my grandmother put me close enough to feel the vibrations of her guitar flashed into me.
She think she was trying to teach me that I can do anything.
I mean, she could have just put me next to her on the couch.
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