One day this sorta scruffy looking older dude comes into the diner. It was his first time to our place and he walks over and grabs a seat at the counter. Fiona went over and took his order.
Then, she came into the kitchen and pulled me aside and said, “do you see the man at the counter. Something about him, you know. Feels like he could use some love” I shook my head, “Yeah, I get that,” I said. “He wants something not on the menu. Anyway we can make this happened?” she said and then showed me a picture of what he wanted on her phone. “I think I have everything to make that,” I told her.
In a flash she’s out the kitchen door, grabs a cup of coffee and brings it to the man at the counter. God how I love my wife, Fiona’s my wife. The way she cares for everyone. She has this sense to see something special in people, as if she knows their life. Did it with me.
Anyway, I made that special meal for that man, but not saying what it was, because well, that doesn’t matter. What matters is my wife continues to teach me the value of every human being. And, I'm grateful for that.
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Carey Corrpro
Commented 26 Sep, 2023
Amazing how you found a way to give that sorta scruffy guy what he wanted. This is a beautiful act of love. Your diner sounds great, hope I get a chance to go there someday.