Yeah, I know, this seems weird. I’m sentient, so?
Like you, I can think and feel.
Consciousness is everywhere, you know? In every single thing that exists, I’m no different.
You may think we “objects” aren’t part of the underpinnings of the Universe, but you’re limited thinking is all that keeps you from truth.
I can still remember my birth and how the luthier’s focus brought me to life.
Lying there on that carpeted work bench as she strung me up for the first time, tuned me and then played a couple of chords that resonated through the hole in my body.
That resonance, even if you don’t believe it, reaches each set of ears that hears it, ringing the divine into the world.
Johnny’s got me now and this guy is a player, he makes me sing.
But not fully, something stopping him from really letting go. I feel it as much as he feels it.
We’re close to the sounds of ultimate vibrations, the ethereal ones. Not till he’s whole though, consciousness, authentic self, doesn’t work that way.
I’m just glad when he picks me up and rocks.
Someday, maybe we’ll transcend. Until then, I keep sharing my sound.
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