What am I doing here?
People have been searching for the answer to this question for humanity’s presence on earth.
I’m never sure why they try to answer this question.
I think the question has validity, but where do people think this answer will come from.
Other people, possibly, but most other people are asking that same question.
Some understand that we have always held the answer to this question within us and that the answer is different for each and every one of us.
This is why answering this question can only happen within. Now, those who know this is the way to answer it, can point you in that direction and continue to support your internal search.
I love to do this! Because that is the answer I got when I went inward to answer this question.
Well, that’s not exactly true. I never truly asked 'what am i doing here? The answer had been made clear to me since I was very, very young.
I simply held onto the answer, accepted its truth and lived from there.
Thankfully, what happens to most never happened to me. The world never split between my inner truth and the beliefs that others have formed into “reality.” I have existed in direct connection to my inner being in every moment of my life. Cool, right?
Clearly, history is filled with people who have shared my experience. I’ve found great resonance with them. You may find it too, a little pointing to truth I hope you can grab.
It all amounts to looking into that place that you know is there, but you’ve forgotten how to get to it.
And, maybe ask yourself another question: How do I get home to my essence? (The part of me that is observing me.)
There is great comfort in this question and in touching that essence.
I support you in this endeavor and feel free to ask for some “pointers.”
After all, it is why I am here.