In the bustling city of Los Angeles, the movie industry permeates every nook and cranny - from the glitzy Hollywood sign perched on the hills to the modest coffee shop where I serve lattes to inspiring scriptwriters. The industry is an undeniable force, yet, it's a force that often overlooks the importance of kindness and equality in every phase of its process. As someone who has been on the inside, I know firsthand how much change is needed.
Have you ever wondered if the movie business, from concept to exhibition, could operate in a way that fosters equality and kindness? I believe it can, and here's how.
The movie industry is a world of high stakes and even higher egos. The competitive nature of the field and the hierarchy of power can inhibit collaboration and creativity. However, I believe that we can shift the industry's paradigm to a more co-creative and collaborative model that leaves no room for inflated egos and self-importance.
The movie-making process should encourage equality, from the scriptwriters spinning tales in the local coffee shops to the directors making magic on the silver screen. There is a need for an environment where every voice is heard and every idea is valued. A scriptwriter shouldn't fear their idea being shot down because of their position in the hierarchy or an assistant director shouldn't hesitate to suggest an innovative shot.
Kindness is another aspect that should be woven into the fabric of the movie industry. We've all heard tales of the cutthroat competition and ruthless power plays. But imagine a world where kindness is the norm, not the exception. The industry needs to create a culture where kindness is rewarded and unkind behavior is not tolerated.
The movie business is not just about creating art; it's about creating a community. The process should be a collaborative journey, where everyone learns from each other, supports each other, and creates something beautiful together. It's time we moved away from the model of singular success and embraced the model of collective growth.
I believe that the movie industry can shed its self-importance and make room for a kinder, more inclusive process. The change won't happen overnight, but with concerted efforts from everyone involved, we can transform the industry into a haven of creativity, collaboration, and kindness. It's a tall order, but as someone who's seen the industry's underbelly and dreams of making a difference, I am confident that it can be done.
The movie industry needs to change, and it's up to us, the creators, to facilitate that change. Let's strive for a movie business that uplifts all of us, not just the few at the top. Because in the end, isn't that what the magic of cinema is truly about?