I was walking on the beach with a friend that I’ve known for most of my life.
We met when we were five years old.
She asked me an interesting question.
“You’ve known this for your entire life, right?”
“Known what?” I asked back.
“That we are more than this, that we have some kind of connection with something bigger.”
“Oh, yes, I’ve known that my whole life,” I answered.
“How?” she asked.
“My parents never told me not to, so that’s what I did,” I replied.
She stood and looked at me for a moment and then shook her head, “It is that easy, isn’t it?”
“Yes, it is,” I said.
She smiled at me brightly and shook her head again, “Wow!”
I smiled back and we continued to walk in silence down the beach.
Everything that could be said was said.
Observing someone else’s path is beautiful.
As is the fact that everyone has their own way to truth, mine happened at birth and was reinforced through unconditional love as I grew.
Hers has been different to mine, but it came to her now.
She has started to remember who she is and that unconditional love truly exists.
My heart sings all day long at the nature of truth and my eyes catch it everywhere in its myriad ways.
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