Connected Pictures is working on creating “living” movies.
Movies that are engaging, entertaining and seek to open the viewer to new perspectives about who we are.
But, we see a bigger picture than what has been the traditional life of a movie, the one where the movie is made, hits the theaters for a relatively short time and then ends up on a streaming platform, television, etc. where, in essence, it lives in the Hades of all the rest of the movies, hoping that someone sees it again.
Some of those movies had profound effects on humans and they either couldn’t find the movie in Hades or at all or they were left with some understanding and nowhere to go to further it.
Connected Pictures finds this a waste of the potential a movie has to resonate with people, to awaken something in them so they can seek to find their authentic self.
Our approach is to connect directly with audiences, from before a movie is made to long after it has first hit the silver screen.
This, as simple as it is, in new for the movie industry, but we believe in providing a movie a long and fruitful life and our way to do that is in community.
In community, the fun, the themes and the insights from a movie are discussed, not to simply talk about a movie, but to find where that movie hit a chord and how all of us, the community and all of humanity, might further our understanding of why we are here, who we truly are and how that might help others.
And, this, the connecting in community and connecting to the movie is the power of storytelling and it continues to grow giving the movie a long and impactful life.
And, that may be one of the lessons for the community, how to find our long and impactful life.
Discussions and Connections have always been how humans have taken leaps forward.
Sometimes a technology, say movies, that has been around for a long time, engaging and entertaining us, can be seen as the life force it is, the one that opens the channels of discussion and creativity in the minds and hearts of humans.
And, a movie may open the way for us to come together, impact each other and have some fun, that is its magic.
Here’s to a long and fruitful life, to us and to movies.